4. Power System Engineering Courses

Portal Page

Live 12-Week Course delivered every quarter: starting in January, April, July & October. 2h Lectures + 1h Tutorial each week!

Live 12-Week Course delivered every quarter: starting in January, April, July & October. 2h Lectures + 1h Tutorial each week!

Live 12-Week Course delivered every quarter: starting in January, April, July & October. 2h Lectures + 1h Tutorial each week!

Live 12-Week Course delivered every quarter: starting in January, April, July & October. 2h Lectures + 1h Tutorial each week!

I am currently developing the first self-study Power System Engineering course: 3-Phase Systems. Expect it to be published in the 4th quarter of 2022. In the meantime, refresh your Complex Numbers knowledge so you can analyze A/C power system networks:

Understanding complex numbers is a must for any A/C circuit analysis. In Power Engineering, we use them all the time!

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