Online Courses for
Electrical Engineering Students
Early Engineering Students
If you're just starting your engineering degree, we have courses to get you quickly up-to-speed with Electrical Engineering.
Experienced Teacher
Sasha acquired teaching experience by lecturing and tutoring University level Electrical Engineering courses since 2015
Graduating Students
If you are Electrical Engineering graduate student or even a professional, we have some powerful courses for you!
Unique Lecturing Approach
Students are familiar with Sasha's clear and detailed way of teaching that connects the dots in their knowledge.
Choose Your Study Approach
We offer two types of courses to better suit your learning habits. If you need guidance along the way, choose 12-Week Guided courses. If you prefer to do it on your own, in your own time, choose Self-Study courses
12-Week Guided
- Live Delivery
- Offered Quarterly
- Interactive with Students
- 2-4h per Week for 12 Weeks
- Extensive Subject Coverage
- Always 12 Weeks Long
- Pre-Recorded
- Enroll Anytime
- Subtitled (Close Captioned)
- 2-12h of HD Video Lessons
- Focuses on a Single Topic
- Divided into Sections
Four Main Subjects
Electrical Engineering subjects for freshmen to senior students: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics are usually 1st year subjects, Electrical Circuits Theory is for 2nd year students while Power Systems Engineering covers wide range of topics primarily of interest to senior students in Electrical Engineering degree
Courses that teach you fundamentals of Electrical Engineering: Currents, Volatages, DC Circuits, Resistors, A/C Circuits, Capacitors, Inductors, Transformers
Courses that teach you fundamentals of Electronics: Diodes, Rectifiers, Transistors, Operational Amplifiers, Nonlinear Electronic Circuit Analysis, Arduino Uno Projects, Digital Electronics
Courses that teach you general circuit analysis methods: Nodal Voltages, Mesh Currents, Superposition, Thevenin Equivalents, Resonance, 2-Port Networks
A whole lot of Power Engineering courses: Power System Analysis, Per Unit Analysis, Transmission Lines, Protective Relaying, Substations, Renewable Energy Systems
We are practical in our approach to Electrical Engineering study. The course material is geared towards ease of learning and quick understanding. Whether you study to become an Electrical Engineer or you’ve already gotten your degree, we are here to help and guide you towards your goals
Cost Effective Study
Create your own curricula. Select your own study path. Focus on what you want to learn and eliminate unnecessary costs.
Step-by-Step Approach
Build your knowledge on a strong & solid foundation. Charge ahead with confidence. Leave no gaps. Every step counts.
High Quality Videos
Visually optimized & edited for online study. Professional audio quality. Manually revised subtitles. Perfectionism in every detail.
Industrial Experience
Theoretical concepts accompanied with practical examples and comments based on experience gained in the power industry.
Student Testimonials
Collected over the course of many years of teaching and lecturing across various institutions and platforms

Seven 12-Week Guided Courses
Guided courses are for students who want to have a real University course experience. These courses are whole semester in duration, however they are offered four times a year! Students have a chance to interact with the lecturer, ask questions and work on homework and assignments. Actual online delivery is always recorded for further study
Frequently Asked Questions
eeSasha stands for “Electrical Engineer Sasha”.
It is pronounced “double-e Sasha”.
My name is Sasha and I am an Electrical Engineer!
This is my website with online courses for Electrical Engineering students. On this website, you can find Electrical Engineering:
- Courses and online resources
- Blog posts and articles
- Consultation services and
- Other relevant ee content
Feel free to comment on my articles, shop for self-study courses, enroll in online 12-week guided courses and book consultations and/or tutoring sessions.
I mostly work with Electrical Engineering students and professionals. Electrical Engineering is my specialty and I try to stay within the boundaries of stuff that I know very well. Sometimes I help other engineering students, but that is only because they need to learn Electrical Engineering to progress in their studies or career.
Most of the self-study courses have tested and proven structure that works beautifully in online teaching. The standard sections are:
- Background knowledge and review
- Theoretical foundations and principles
- Numerical problems solved (examples, tutorials and quizzes)
- Virtual lab, simulations and practical considerations
Even the live, 12-week guided courses are structured in a similar way.
YouTube is suitable only for free content and unlisted videos shared only through links.
Paid content, that is course video lessons, are delivered using Vimeo embedded in password protected pages of eeSasha website.
Getting your courses and services directly on my website gives you the most flexibility and benefits:
- You will get special attention, help and individual support
- You can purchase downloadable individual video lessons
- You may receive valuable promotions and discounts
- You can also enroll in live, 12-week guided courses
For eeSasha students who are interested, I can arrange free access for the same self-study courses delivered on Udemy.
Beside eeSasha website, my courses are currently only offered on Udemy platform.
Udemy is a serious, well established online education platform. While the same course material is posted on eeSasha, some students may already have an account with Udemy and they may prefer having all their courses on the same platform.
However, note that Udemy does not offer the discounts you can get on eeSasha website. Besides, Udemy contains only self-study eeSasha courses, while live, 12-week guided courses can only be enrolled into on eeSasha website.
While Udemy is not automatically connected to eeSasha website, I can work with you to manually add you to eeSasha students. You will need to message me on Udemy and contact me on eeSasha website at the same time. That will give me enough information to get you access for the same course on eeSasha website.
While eeSasha website is not automatically connected to Udemy, I can provide you with a link so you can get the same course on Udemy for free. Just email me and ask for the link.
I hear you. At eeSasha.com, you only need a single password for your account.
I used to have trouble remembering all my passwords. Now I have much stronger passwords that I don’t even need to remember and I don’t have trouble anymore. I use BitWarden password manager and I recommend you consider using it too. You may end up loving it just as I do. Create strong passwords that you never have to remember!
Currently, I only use Udemy to host my courses outside of eeSasha. Due to numerous hosting offers from various online platforms, I may not be in a position to reply to your hosting offers.
Operational Principles
Students of University of Australia (UniSA) and South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT) are not eligible to receive one-on-one consultations or tutoring services at eeSasha. Due to teaching contracts with these institutions, it would be a conflict of interest for me to provide services to students of these institutions outside of these institutions.
The current state of science, and that includes Physics and Electrical Engineering, is not complete. We have new discoveries all the time. Most of them are incremental, but soon there will be a discovery that will totally change the paradigm of science. We may realize certain principles are different than we thought they were and some even completely false.
I teach according to the latest state of science. One day in near future, we may realize that not everything we know now was true and accurate. It is our duty to adjust to potential curve-balls that Universe may throw our way.
Courses that you purchase are yours for the lifetime of eeSasha website. You will have access to the material you purchased for as long as eeSasha website exists.
If there are glitches on the Internet, or with the company that provides hosting services, or with WordPress website platform, the access may temporarily be interrupted. If that happens, I will do everything in my power to restore the access for my students as soon as possible. That may include finding alternative ways of providing you with the content you purchased. There is always a solution! We may just need to put in a little bit of effort to find it.
When you purchase online self-study course, you will automatically receive all future course modifications and additions or any other updates.
Purchase of individual video lessons is final. You will be able to download the most current version of a video lesson that is available at the time of purchase. If any lesson you purchased gets updated, you will not receive updates automatically. However, if you send me an email and request for updated lesson, I will either provide you with one or I may issue a discount to acquire similar lesson when/if courses get totally redesigned.
I provide 100% no-risk money back guarantee for all my self-study courses. You are fully protected by my 100% no-risk guarantee. If you are not satisfied with some of my self-study courses over the initial 30 days period, I will unconditionally give you a full refund, which is 100% of your money back.
While I may ask questions out of curiosity or out of desire to improve my students course experience, your answer or lack thereof, will not impact the refund decision.
See the Payments & Refunds section below for more details.
All eeSasha courses have unique course codes. First two to three letters designate the subject the course belongs to. The subject codes are:
- EEF (Electrical Engineering Fundamentals)
- EF (Electronics Fundamentals)
- ECT (Electrical Circuits Theory)
- PSE (Power Systems Engineering)
Next, the course code has three digits, unique for the course, such that:
- 100 numbers are Electrical Engineering Fundamentals courses
- 200 numbers are Electronics Fundamentals courses
- 300 numbers are Electrical Circuits Theory courses and
- 400 numbers are Power Systems Engineering related courses
An example is ECT307 Superposition Method Course that belongs to Electrical Circuits Theory subject.
The course code can always be shortened to just a three digit course number, since all the course numbers are unique anyway.
The entire preview section for all self-study courses is always open and free to access. That holds for both eeSasha website and my courses hosted on Udemy.
Besides course preview, all courses have extensive about pages with video lesson summaries and main content points, so you can get a pretty good idea what you’re buying, before you buy it!
All 12-Week guided courses are delivered live. All course activities are recorded. Recordings are posted as soon as the video processing is completed (usually within 24-48h after the online classes are held). Recordings are made available to all enrolled students for the particular course offering (cohort, as they say). Access to the recordings are granted on a lifetime basis.
All consultation sessions are conducted online using some of the online meeting tools or software:
- The 1st preference is Zoom
- The 2nd preference is Skype
- Alternatively other meeting software can be used
Most students are comfortable with Zoom, which also allows flexibility of recording, using whiteboard etc. Since the sessions are customized to student needs, student needs to let me know if they have any special requests.
Privacy of student session recordings is maintained by posting them on a password protected webpage, accessible only to the student in question. Consultation material may be shared only after stripping all student’s personal information (name, images, video or audio), unless student explicitly agrees for a specific personal content to be shared.
While you normally purchase a certain duration of a consultation session, the actual duration may vary. It will by no means be shorter than the duration you purchased.
In general, my objective is to provide you with complete consultation or tutoring experience. If my personal schedule permits, the duration may be extended or even an additional free session may be granted when necessary. Either way, I am willing to go above and beyond your expectations in the content delivery. Satisfaction of my students is one of my utmost priorities.
To make the best use of our time during a consultation session, it is good to prepare ahead of the actual session. I normally ask my students to prepare a list of questions and topics they are interested in or need help with. You will receive more benefits from sessions that are well prepared and structured.
If you provide me with your specific questions ahead of the consultation session, I may be able to prepare custom slides with answers. It would also give me time to do research on a topic of your interest. I certainly do not know everything and coming up with quality answers usually takes time. I would prefer that the time spent finding answers is not on your watch. It is much better to have the answers prepared and spend better quality time discussing solutions during the session.
You can always get in touch with me by filling out the contact form on contact page. Alternatively, you may send me an email directly to [email protected].
While I will not respond to unsolicited spam inquiries, all genuine messages are treated with respect and urgency and I endeavor to provide timely replies (usually no longer than 24h-48h).
Choose The Perfect Self-Study Plan
We offer flexibility of course material you can get access to. Depending how thoroughly you plan on covering an individual course, you have three options of enrollment
per hour
of video
Video Lessons
Purchase only video lessons you are most interested in
Watch video lessons offline using your own mp4 player
The Most Flexible Plan
Pick & choose whichever video lessons you like!
Just visit eeSasha shop and browse for the video lessons you are interested in!
Video lessons and resource files are downloadable!
per hour
of video
Individual Course Sections
Purchase only course sections you are most interested in
Access granted to all video lessons that belong to the course section purchased
25% Discount Plan
Perhaps you only want to practice solving problems.
Or you may only be interested in theory. Your choice!
per hour
of video
Full Course
Best Deal
Purchase an entire course!
Access granted to all video lessons and all sections that belong to the course purchased
50% Discount
* Best Price *
You want to learn everything!
* All course material developed with efficiency of delivery in mind. No time wasted on writing on the board. Unproductive video segments edited out. On occasion, certain segments sped up by applying increased speed. No fluff added to bloat the duration of video lessons. Intros & outros kept to a reasonable minimum.
Payments & Refunds
Even though I am located in Australia, I serve students and engineers around the world. It was proven that majority of my customers are the most familiar with the United States Dollar (USD). Thus all the prices are expressed in USD.
In future, I may implement automatic currency conversion so you will be able to choose between some major world currencies such as EUR, AUD, CAD, NZD, GBP… In the meantime, kindly convert USD prices into the currency of your choice outside of this website (eg Google, XE, OANDA or similar)
Payment methods currently accepted are:
- PayPal using your PayPal connected account
- Credit Card processed also by PayPal
- Cryptocurrencies processed by CoinPayments
Due to the online nature of website payments, personal checks are not accepted.
Payments with cryptos are supported on eeSasha.com. As a matter of fact, I encourage you to use cryptocurrencies if you can. That way, you get rewarded with 10% discount on your shopping cart balance. There are several cryptos you can choose from. Let me know if your favorite crypto is not on the list and I may be able to arrange a direct crypto transfer.
The website that processes crypto payments (CoinPayments) calculates the amount of cryptocurrency to be paid in real-time, based on USD amount that is to be paid and the current rate in USD for a specific cryptocurrency. The volatility of cryptos is high, but I am willing to absorb all the risks associated with varying crypto amounts.
Once your crypto quantity is locked, you have some time to make the transfer. Most of the high-network-fee cryptos (like Ethereum based ERC-20s) are not on the list of options exactly for that reason.
Refunds for cryptocurrency payments are done in a similar fashion as with credit card payments. The amount of USD is refunded and the quantity of crypto is recalculated at the time of the refund. It is possible for the refund to be issued directly and/or in a different cryptocurrency than originally paid in.
If you purchase consultation sessions and spend certain amount of Dollars, you are eligible to use coupon codes that give you discount on consultation sessions in your shopping cart:
- Use coupon
to get 5% discount on Consultations if you spend $100 or more - Use coupon
to get 10% discount on Consultations if you spend $200 or more - Use coupon
to get 15% discount on Consultations if you spend $300 or more - Use coupon
to get 20% discount on Consultations if you spend $500 or more
You can mix Consultations of different durations if you want to.
If you are eager to learn Electrical Engineering and your financial situation does not allow you to purchase courses on eeSasha, just drop me an email and let me know your circumstances. I can always work out a discount for you.
Everybody deserves a good education and I always support students willing to learn and willing to put in effort to improve themselves and their Electrical Engineering knowledge and skills.
I provide 100% no-risk money back guarantee for all my self-study courses. You are fully protected by my 100% no-risk guarantee. If you are not satisfied with some of my self-study courses over the initial 30 days period, I will unconditionally give you a full refund, which is 100% of your money back.
While I may ask questions out of curiosity or out of desire to improve my students course experience, your answer or lack thereof, will not impact the refund decision.
Downloadable video lessons are not returnable due to being electronic in nature. Refunds can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, but refunds are not guaranteed due to instances of abuse.
I want happy students and happy customers and I promise to work with you to your satisfaction. Just send me an email and let me know what you think and what your expectations are.
Once the 12-Week guided course classes start, you have 4 weeks to evaluate and decide whether you are satisfied with the course and the way I teach. Within that period of first 4 weeks, you can drop the course at any time and I will issue a 100% refund to you.
Thus 12-Week guided courses are fully refundable within the first 4 weeks. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
If you change your mind before the consultation session, just let me know. I will cancel your session and issue a full refund to you.
If you tell me you are not 100% satisfied with the consultation session after it has been delivered, I will still honor your opinion and I will consider giving you a refund. I believe my students should only pay for services that they feel benefited them. My goals are long term goals and I want students to return for my services and courses – thus your satisfaction is always extremely important to me.
Prices for 12-Week guided courses are somewhat higher compared to individual self-study courses. If paying the full price at once, at the time of enrollment, is not acceptable for you, I will split the price into 3 monthly payments.
However, I do not have that option automated. So if you cannot pay the full price, send me an email and I will manually arrange alternative payment plan for you. I will not charge you anything extra for splitting the payments.
I have tried to be as comprehensive as I could in addressing potential questions and issues on this website. However, you may have a question I’ve never seen before or I didn’t anticipate. That is not a problem – just send me your question via email or contact form. I will get an answer for you directly into your inbox.
If your question makes it to this list, improving and making my website better, I will reward you with a personalized discount coupon. You will be able to use the coupon code throughout the eeSasha shop, for any of the products offered in the entire shop!
Consultations & Tutoring
Take your Electrical Engineering to a whole new level with eeSasha. Schedule personalized, one-on-one online consultations, tutoring, exam preparations or coaching. All for Electrical Engineering students and professionals!
1-on-1 individual sessions are the best way to fast track your success and understanding of Electrical Engineering concepts & principles. Get 100% full attention and customized approach to your “ee” needs, questions and problems
Get all the individual help thru
Personalized One-on-One Sessions
- Get extra individual help for any of my online courses
- Get your assignment problems solved and explained
- Get advice on your engineering career plans and efforts
- 30min, 60min and 90min consultation sessions available for starters
- Or choose 2h, 3h, 4h or even 5h long sessions to get more things done!
- Receive recording of your session for future reference
- Easy online scheduling no matter where you are in the world
- Book your consultation time directly after the purchase