"Complex Numbers Calculator"
is a Versatile Calculation Tool that Performs Complex Numbers Operations and Conversions Designed for Electrical Engineers!
Calculator Features
Enter complex numbers in either Rectangular (Cartesian) or Polar form.
See the complex number result in both Rectangular (Cartesian) and Polar form.
Perform all four basic mathematical operations with complex numbers:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
Perform complex number conversions:
- Rectangular form (Real & Imaginary components) into Polar form (Magnitude & Angle)
- Polar form (Magnitude & Angle) into Rectangular form (Real & Imaginary components)
Angles are always expressed in degrees as opposed to radians.
Angles are presented in an Engineering Range [-180º, 180º].
Electrical Engineering:
- Series Impedance equivalent calculation (simple complex numbers addition)
- Equivalent of a Parallel connection of Impedances (multiple operations at once)
Calculator Video and User Notes
- Calculator is free for you to use. Use it any way you like
- Do not save on exit. However, you can always come back here and download again the latest version
- Note that the Excel file contains Macros. Your machine needs to allow Macros to execute
- Please let me know if you encounter a bug. I have not thoroughly tested the calculator yet
"Love the calculator. It is so intuitive and easy to use. Helped me with my A/C circuits term assignment to calculate voltages, currents, equivalent impedance and complex power!"
Electrical & Electronic Systems Course
Elliott Randall
"I have struggled to find a decent complex numbers calculator online. Every calculator out there was missing some feature that I needed - either did not accept both forms or the results were not as I wanted them to be... This calculator is really great and I finally have all the features I was looking for. Thanks Sasha!"
eeSasha Website User
Simon Attwood
Changelog – History of Calculator Versions
- Added copyright notice
- Reduced default zoom to 100%
- The initial release version
Complex Numbers Calculator Downloads
Download Excel file that contains the calculator:
Download ZIP file that contains the calculator: