2. Electronics Fundamentals Courses
Portal Page
Live 12-Week Course delivered every quarter: starting in January, April, July & October. 2h Lectures + 1h Tutorial each week!
- Diodes, Transistors, Operational Amplifiers & Thyristors
- Sensors (Position, Temperature, Light, Motion...)
- Rectifiers, Voltage Regulators, Linear Amplifiers
- Oscillators & Waveform Generators
- Digital Electronics & Digital Logic Gates
Arriving in November 2022! Master the fundamental electronics component – diode. Build your knowledge of rectifiers and their application!
- Direct & Inverse Polarization of Diodes
- Regular Signal, Light Emitting (LED) and Zenr Diodes
- Diode in a Circuit: Load-Line & Characteristic Plot Analysis
- Half-Wave & Full-Wave (Diode Bridge) Rectifiers
- Tutorial & Quiz Problems with Detailed Solutions
- Virtual Practical Demonstrations & Simulations
- 1A: Diode VI Characteristics Tutorial (parts abc)
- 1B: Diode VI Characteristics Tutorial (parts def)
- 2: Diode & Battery Waveform Tutorial
- 3L: Capacitor Charging Transient – Blip in LED Light
- 3T: Capacitor Transient and LED Tutorial
- 4: Smoothing Capacitance Tutorial

Future Electronics Fundamentals Courses...
Various topics in fundamental electronics. Principles of operation of electronic components and circuits. Virtual lab experiments and proof of concepts.
- Transistors (BJT and MOSFET)
- Operational Amplifiers
- Voltage Regulators
- Digital Electronics
- Practical Experiments
- Arduino Uno Projects